
Monday, 18 July 2011


We left for our weekend at my cousin's in lovely sunny weather and for the first few hours the sun did shine. We took a trip out in the afternoon and spent some time at Floors Castle garden centre then visited Ford and had an ice cream and tea. Unfortunately the hot weather didn't last long. In the evening there was supposed to be archery at the local pub but that got cancelled. Instead my cousin, me and her friend had just as good a time playing darts very badly while my uncle watched.

Next day the weather was if anything even worse as it poured and poured all day. My cousin and his wife arrived at lunch time and in the afternoon we had a short trip out but apart from that we had a great time in the house catching up and talking and wondering in the occlasional breaks in the rain if we could get outside.

On Sunday the weather was better although there were some impressive puddles in the roads on the way home. All in all in spite of the horrible weather we had a great time.


  1. Wow, Floors castle looks impressive!
    Sounds like your weather was like ours in July; lots of rain!

  2. @ Merri unfortunately the rain has continued to fall!
