
Friday, 4 March 2011

Signs of Spring

The weather here has been pretty awful this week, frosty, grey and misty. But today finally some signs of Spring, lots of daffodils ready to show themselves. It's about time! I'm getting very tired of wearing my wellies.

At least it is finally Friday. The last couple of weeks have been quite slow for some reason. It could be because it has been rather quiet at work. In any case I have a nice lazy weekend planned, lunch out with my friend as usual tomorrow. Some television, some reading and some exercising with the Wii Fit which has to be the first time I haven't found exercise tedious!


  1. Sounds like you are going to enjoy your weekend. Have fun exercising. :)

  2. I found a new translator, maybe this one is better than the babelfish

  3. @ Tine, thanks, I'll give that translator a go.

  4. Hey I was out here searching for a translator and your blog came up. I have used the one you just posted and babelfish. I like this other site better. I think the set up is a lot more clear ( ) Anyway maybe it will help.
